C2C Leg#3 Day 10 Lexington to Arrow Rock - Classic Bike Touring & Racoon shenanigans

Jul 05, 2021


Day 10: Lexington to Arrow Rock - classic bike touring 
Miles:  67. 4
Total Miles: 487.2
MYZone MEPS: ??? My strap didn’t pick...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 9 Lexington - an unplanned Rest Day

Jul 05, 2021

July 5, 2021
Day 9 - Lexington, Missouri - Bonus Rest Day
Miles: 6 while putting around town
Total Miles: 419.8
MYZone MEPs: didn’t count them...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 8 Watkins Mill to Lexington & the towns that werenโ€™t

Jul 03, 2021

Day 8: Watkins Mill State Park to Lexington, Missouri

Miles: 59.7 (including the putting around)
Total Miles: 413.8
MYZone MEPs: 842

We are up...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 7 Atchison to Watkins Mill State Park - a very long day indeed

Jul 02, 2021

Day 7: Atchison to Watkins Mill State Park
Miles: 75!
Total Miles: 354.1
MYZone MEPs: 1542 - a beefy day (4,431 calories)

Knowing that we had a...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 6 - Atchison REST DAY!

Jul 01, 2021

Day 6, Rest Day in Atchison, Kansas

Sleep in until 8:15am - needed that after previous night’s interrupted sleep.  Breakfast at...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 5 Falls City to Atchison - This is NOT flat

Jun 30, 2021

Day 5: Falls City, Nebraska to Atchison, Kansas
Miles: 54.7
Total Miles: 279.1
MYZone MEPs: 715

Our standard breakfast of a can of peaches and...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 4 Waubonsie State Park to Falls City - Gravel and Rolling Hills

Jun 29, 2021

Day 4, Waubonsie State Park (Iowa) to Falls City (Nebraska)
Miles: 56.2
Total Miles: 224.4

 We had a nice chat with our...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 3, Council Bluffs to Waubonsie State Park - a detour indeed

Jun 28, 2021

Day 3, Council Bluffs to Waubonsie State Park, Iowa
Miles: 51.3
Total Miles: 168.2

Were up at 6:15am, back under the freeway to...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 2 Onawa to Council Bluffs + 2 nice guys

Jun 28, 2021

Day 2: Onawa KOA to Council Bluffs
Miles: 70.4
Total Miles: 116.9
MYZone MEPS: 1042
Temps:  66 - mid 80’s with thunder & pouring...

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C2C Leg#3 Day 1 Sioux City to Onawa KOA

Jun 27, 2021

Day1:  Sioux City to Onawa KOA
Miles: 46.5
MYZone MEPS: 680
Temps:  70-80 with threat of rain

We said goodbye to Sioux City at about 8:45am...

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